Golf marketing in Vietnam’s dynamic scene

    Golf marketing in Vietnam’s dynamic scene

Global Golf Boom: Overview Figures from R&A
The passion for golf is spreading vigorously worldwide, as R&A officially releases its first comprehensive report on the global golf landscape in 2023, providing an overview of the explosive growth of this sport.

Here are some impressive statistics:
– 61.2 million adults play golf.
– 39.6 million individuals play 9 and 18-hole golf, including 8 million golfers who are members of national golf associations and 31.6 million golfers who are non-members.
– Asia leads in the number of 9 and 18-hole golfers with 16.1 million golfers.
– Asia and Europe account for 76% of the total number of 9 and 18-hole golfers.

The highest demand for golf is concentrated in Europe and Asia, with 3 European countries and 2 Asian countries leading the list of golf markets.

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